Broad-billed Sandpiper
On 17th September 2009 near Jamnagar coastal area found about 65-70 Broad-billed Sandpiper by Dr. Maulik Varu & Kapilsinh Zala & Mr. Ashvin Trivedi (My Papa). They informed me about the sighting.
Flock of Broad-billed & Sandplovers
Broad-billed Sandpiper
I went there on 18th September to saw them. With huge surprise I found about 70 Broad-billed Sandpiper in Breeding colors! Was amazed to see them. Along with broad- billed Sadpipers there were about 15 Greater Sandplovers, 20 Lesser Sandplovers, 4 Ruddy Turnstones, 1 Ruff, 1 Common Red shank, 1 Curlew Sandpiper, 3 Little Stints, 8 Dunlins. Most of them were in moulting breeding colors. It was amazing sighting. They all were very bold. We could saw them only 10-15 feet away from us. All were busy in collecting food as it was high tide time. The broad-billed Sandpiper is quite rare in Gujarat region & to see them in such huge flock wasn't less than a surprise!
Dunlin in Breeding Colors!
Little Stint in Breeding Colors!
Lesser Sandplover in Breeding Colors!
Curlew Sandpiper in Breeding Colors!
Broad-billed Sandpiper in Breeding Colors!
Please watch the 3 white strips on head! It's the best identification mark of Broad-billed.
Greater Sandplover